The Water Wise Landscape Tour is an annual educational tour of residential homes with drought-tolerant, native, and adapted landscapes. The tour is free of charge to residents to visit homes.
PACE provides low-cost, long-term loans to commercial, industrial, and multi-family residential property owners for the purpose of implementing water conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable retrofits.
The Region C Water Planning Group develops and implements the regional water plan, which acts as a “bottom-up” approach to planning for the state’s future water needs. The regional water plan is incorporated into the State Water Plan under the purview of the Texas Water Development Board.
Make a teacher's job easier with high quality, FREE resources to help teach students how they can do their part to Take Care of Texas. Project interactive activities and PDFs are available for you to use on your classroom whiteboard.
The Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center education activities are focused on urban needs in planning and implementing strategies for convenience, quality of life, economic attractiveness, and sustainable stewardship of natural resources.
The Texas Living Waters Conservation Scorecard highlights which Texas water utilities are doing well in their effort to advances water conservation and which regions need more conservation effort.