Texas SmartScape Program
Texas SmartScape Program
The Texas SmartScape program educates citizens on the ecological, economic and aesthetic benefits of using landscaping plants, shrubs, grasses and trees that are native or adapted to our regional climate and local conditions. The program also promotes education on pollution prevention through efficient and effective water use for citizens' benefit.
The goal of the Texas SmartScape program is to conserve local water supplies and improve storm water runoff quality by reducing the amount of water needed to maintain landscapes while decreasing the amounts of pesticide, fertilizer and herbicides used in landscaping practices.The SmartScape website is an interactive "how to" guide that walks users through the SmartScape concept. SmartScaping creates a lush and colorful oasis for communities and for North Texas' native flora and fauna. The website houses information on over 200 plants, shrubs, and trees that thrive in North Central Texas. Users can search for plants and care for them in a manner that saves time and money while at the same time protecting the environment and conserving water resources.
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