Lowering Local Government Energy Consumption Through Energy Planning and Policies

Date: June 28, 2019

Audience: This workshop is appropriate for energy managers, facility managers, personnel that manage electric contracts, and/or collect or report energy and water usage data.

Good management of government-owned facilities is critical to reducing local governments' energy and water expenses, as well as air quality impacts associated with power generation. The foundation of good management is good planning. Establishing operational and maintenance protocols and policies are important components of any energy management plan. Having well defined goals and policies can be important to ensuring that energy consumption is minimized to the maximum extent possible. This workshop will provide information for local governments on the following topics:

  • Establishing energy plans and policies
  • Internal policy and program changes to avoid energy waste through behavior and Operation & Maintenance changes
  • Statutory reporting requirements for cities, counties, state agencies, and institutes of higher education
  • Resources provided by the State Energy Conservation Office

Trainers: Saleem Khan, P.E. - President, TEESI Engineering

Workshop Presentations

Workshop Flyers & Handouts: