Factsheet: Energy Efficiency for Water Utilities
Factsheet: Energy Efficiency for Water Utilities
The Energy Efficiency for Water Utilities Factsheet is designed to assist water and wastewater treatment providers in addressing the water-energy nexus, or energy usage within water utility operations. The factsheet provides resources and opportunities for energy savings among water utilities across all stages of operation.
As the population of North Texas continues to rise, water utilities are scaling up operations to meet potable water and wastewater treatment demands. The resulting increase in energy usage across facilities and distribution networks raises operational costs for providers while also straining the region's electrical grid. The Energy Efficiency for Water Utilities Factsheet outlines both small- and large-scale energy efficiency upgrades and management tools that providers can adopt to boost efficiency and reduce energy costs, and includes resources for further reading on the water-energy nexus. The factsheet also includes a case study on Tarrant Regional Water District's Energy Management Plan and how it supports their operations.
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