Database of Climate Ordinances Now Available to Planners

Database of Climate Ordinances Now Available to Planners

Planners can now explore a database of climate ordinances in the United States using a new web-based tool developed by the Great Plains Institute (GPI). GPI has been working with two divisions of the American Planning Association—the American Planning Association Sustainable Communities Division and the American Planning Association Environment, Natural Resources and Energy Division—to identify and help develop tools for planners working on climate change in their local communities.

Planners and others can use this database to find relevant examples or model ordinance language on specific climate-related topics. Planners can also use the database to better understand what other communities are doing on climate across the country or as inspiration for what is possible within their own communities. The database allows planners to narrow and filter ordinance search results by community type and size, topic, or sector to ensure that their search relates most closely to their work and areas of interest.

Click Here to Visit the Climate Ordinance Database