
Texas ranks 6th in the nation for energy consumption per capita. The demand for energy use is growing across North Texas with the ever-increasing population. In order to reduce energy consumption and increase energy efficiency, entities must evaluate their energy usage. Below are tools, resources, and case studies to support local governments, educational institutions, and public and private entities’ efforts to implement programs to reduce energy use and increase energy efficiency in the public and private sector.


Go Solar Texas compiles key resources for Texans interested in learning more about going solar, and has Texas-specific resources on best management practices for local governments to increase access to solar.
Green Globes certifies sustainable high-performance buildings while providing customized guidance throughout the process.
The Green Infrastructure Funding Opportunities page provide information on federal funding opportunities and funding tools for green infrastructure projects.
The Green Infrastructure Modeling Tools model the impacts of green infrastructure on watersheds, air quality, and energy consumption.
The Green Power Partnership (GPP) is a voluntary EPA program that encourages the voluntary use of green power as a means of accelerating the growth of the U.S. renewable energy market.
Home Energy Saver allows users to identify ways to increase energy efficiency at home.
The Home Energy Score helps homeowners to understand their home's energy performance and how to improve it cost-effectively.
The Home Energy Yardstick assesses a home's annual energy use compared to similar homes and offers recommendations on how to improve energy efficiency and lower utility bills.
The Institute for Market Transformation promotes increasing the energy efficiency of buildings through research, programs, and policies.
The International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) brings together colleges and universities from around the world to collaborate on integrating sustainability into all aspects of academic operations.
InVEST software provides valuations of ecosystem services and assesses how environmental impacts can alter the benefits they provide to humans.
LEED certifies that any type of building (residential, commercial, industrial) is considered resource-efficient.
The Local Energy Action Search provides a customized list of actions to inform community leaders' energy decisions.
The Texas Health and Safety Code §388.005(c) requires each political subdivision in a non-attainment area or an affected county to establish a goal to reduce electric consumption by at least five percent each state fiscal year. In 2019, the 86th Legislature passed Senate Bill 241, extending the timeline for this requirement seven years beginning September 1, 2019. Each political subdivision must submit a report annually to the Texas State Energy Conservation Office (SECO) regarding the entity's progress and efforts to meet the five percent annual reduction goal. Reports should be submitted online to SECO by February 1 each year. Information submitted to SECO will be included in an annual report to members of the Texas Legislative and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, providing entities a great opportunity to gain recognition for energy efficiency efforts.
Senate Bill 898 (SB 898) of the 82nd Texas Legislative Session amended the Texas Health and Safety Code Section 388.005 requiring political subdivisions, institutes of higher education, and state agencies in nonattainment or near nonattainment counties to establish a goal of reducing electricity consumption by at least five percent each state fiscal year beginning September 1, 2011. Recent passage of SB 241 in the 86th Texas Legislative Session, extended the percent reduction goal another seven years beginning September 1, 2019. To maintain compliance with this legislative requirement, the City Council of Fort Worth, TX developed a resolution to track their progress and document their consumption reduction.
The National Solar Jobs Census analyzes current employment, trends, and projected growth in the U.S. solar industry.
The National Solar Schools Census highlights schools that have already adopted solar technology in an effort to promote the sharing of ideas and best practices with those schools currently seeking to adopt solar energy.
The Natural Capital Project develops nature-based solutions to various environmental challenges and encourages natural capital investments.
The North Central Texas Council of Governments Environment and Development Department's YouTube channel. Educational explainer videos, webinar presentations, and other video resources are posted here.

This interactive map highlights buildings and communities throughout the North Central Texas region that have been certified by third-party organizations that recognize sustainable excellence in the built environment.

The NCTCOG whitepaper Integration of Energy Resilience into Hazard Mitigation Planning is intended to provide local governments and hazard mitigation planners with an assortment of energy resilience options to consider for incorporation into their Hard Mitigation Plans. The whitepaper is accompanied by the complementing Best Management Practices for Incorporating Energy Resilience into Hazard Mitigation Planning.

Texas is accustomed to extreme swings in weather and natural disasters which can impact the reliability and availability of energy services. These disasters are expected to increase as we deal with the impacts of a changing climate, leaving local governments in a position where more than ever they may need to consider incorporating energy resilience plans into their Hazard Mitigation Plans. 

Some of the options outlined in the whitepaper are faster to implement with quick wins while others take a longer-range planning approach with significant investment to ensure the greatest measure of energy resilience. Communities are encouraged to consider which measures best suit their needs, capabilities, budget, scale, and desired level of energy resilience. 
EV adoption by municipalities is forecasted to increase over time, and at the same time energy demand in general is also forecasted to increase for the ERCOT grid. This whitepaper, produced by NCTCOG, examines the ERCOT grid’s current state, focusing on EV adoption growth and infrastructure resilience, and emphasizes planning to manage grid impacts and maintain EV charging for critical city operations during outages.