Resources for Private Entities

This list shows all resources relevant to private businesses and other private entities.

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To ensure pesticide and fertilizer application practices align with stormwater runoff prevention goals.
To ensure exterior surface cleaning practices align with stormwater runoff prevention goals.
To ensure snow and ice management practices align with stormwater runoff prevention goals.
To ensure storm drain maintenance practices align with stormwater runoff prevention goals.
To ensure practices related to waste management, storage, and disposal align with stormwater runoff prevention goals.
To ensure outdoor material storage practices align with stormwater runoff prevention goals.
The Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center's mission is to inspire the use of native plants and to improve water quality, provide habitat for wildlife, and enhance human health and happiness.
LEED certifies that any type of building (residential, commercial, industrial) is considered resource-efficient.

The Elmer Avenue Neighborhood Retrofit transformed a typical residential street into a model "green street" by incorporating stormwater best management practices (BMPs) that capture and filter runoff from a 40-acre area. 

To bring awareness to water quality and water supply issues impacting Black communities.
To educate students grades 3-8 about the impacts climate change can have on their communities.
For community groups, nonprofit organizations, tribal governments, national parks, and local, state and federal agencies.
The National Solar Jobs Census analyzes current employment, trends, and projected growth in the U.S. solar industry.
The National Weather Prediction Service serves as an interactive, centralized gateway to the ever-expanding library of water data and forecast information.
The Natural Capital Project develops nature-based solutions to various environmental challenges and encourages natural capital investments.
The North Central Texas Council of Governments Environment and Development Department's YouTube channel. Educational explainer videos, webinar presentations, and other video resources are posted here.

This interactive map highlights buildings and communities throughout the North Central Texas region that have been certified by third-party organizations that recognize sustainable excellence in the built environment.

The American Planning Association (APA)'s Policy Guide on Water provides guidance to planners seeking to integrate water engineering into development policies.
This website contains information about NCTCOG's Trash Free Waters Project as well as details on upcoming and past events related to the project.
This guide was created to help city engineers, planners, developers, decision-makers, and other transportation and development professionals assess their choices when integrating green infrastructure practices into the roadway, sidewalk, parking lot, and trail projects.
The North Texas Municipal Water District provides the Lunch and Learn series as an outreach tool to encourage water care and conservation.
Conservation and water reuse are critical ways North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) manages a finite supply of water. NTMWD is relying on water conservation as the soure for nearly one-quarter of the future water supplies for their customers.