The Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center's mission is to inspire the use of native plants and to improve water quality, provide habitat for wildlife, and enhance human health and happiness.
The Elmer Avenue Neighborhood Retrofit transformed a typical residential street into a model "green street" by incorporating stormwater best management practices (BMPs) that capture and filter runoff from a 40-acre area.
The National Weather Prediction Service serves as an interactive, centralized gateway to the ever-expanding library of water data and forecast information.
The North Central Texas Council of Governments Environment and Development Department's YouTube channel. Educational explainer videos, webinar presentations, and other video resources are posted here.
This interactive map highlights buildings and communities throughout the North Central Texas region that have been certified by third-party organizations that recognize sustainable excellence in the built environment.
The American Planning Association (APA)'s Policy Guide on Water provides guidance to planners seeking to integrate water engineering into development policies.