Resources for Other Public Entities

This list shows all resources relevant to public entities other than municipalities.

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The Smart Controller Program allows for the City of Frisco's licensed irrigators to check irrigation systems for inefficiencies, set the controller to current watering recommendations, subscribe the resident to the WaterWise emails, and create a partnership with residents for educational purposes. is the official U.S. government source for fuel economy information.
Get visual: Watersmart video resources for residents and public outreach.
Go Solar Texas compiles key resources for Texans interested in learning more about going solar, and has Texas-specific resources on best management practices for local governments to increase access to solar.
Green Dallas is a resource for air quality information, climate change, energy, food, land, waste & litter, and water.
Green Globes certifies sustainable high-performance buildings while providing customized guidance throughout the process.
The Green Infrastructure Funding Opportunities page provide information on federal funding opportunities and funding tools for green infrastructure projects.
The Green Infrastructure Modeling Tools model the impacts of green infrastructure on watersheds, air quality, and energy consumption.
The Green Power Partnership (GPP) is a voluntary EPA program that encourages the voluntary use of green power as a means of accelerating the growth of the U.S. renewable energy market.
The Green Vehicle Guide is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) guide to clean and efficient vehicles and related resources.
For similar counties looking to enact stormwater quality regulations.
Watershed Protection Plans (WPP) are useful to water quality planning because they contain management measures to reduce pollutants and public education and outreach programs that were developed with stakeholder input. These measures and outreach programs may be useful ideas to others.

Buffalo Bayou Promenade is a 23-acre urban park and recreation area that transformed an overgrown, trash-soaked urban greyfield into a thriving waterfront. The $15 million landmark project both improved flood control capacity and transformed a marginalized space beneath the freeway into a safe, welcoming place for pedestrians.

Video explaining the best way to collect and transport used cooking oil for recycling.
Spanish-language video explaining the best way to collect and transport used cooking oil for recycling.
How to Prevent Your Pipes From Freezing: Subzero temperatures can cause even interior pipes to freeze.
The Institute for Market Transformation promotes increasing the energy efficiency of buildings through research, programs, and policies.
The iSWM Program for Construction and Development is a cooperative initiative that assists cities and counties to achieve their goals of water quality protection, streambank protection, and flood mitigation, while also helping communities meet their construction and post-construction obligations under state stormwater permits.
InVEST software provides valuations of ecosystem services and assesses how environmental impacts can alter the benefits they provide to humans.
The Irrigation Association's Smart Irrigation outreach Toolkit educates customers about water-use efficiency, promotes irrigation products and best practices that minimize peak water use and reduce demands on infrastructure, and provides real solutions to today's water challenges.
To share methods that can be used to identify trash sources along waterways.