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These recommendations provide a list of measures that local governments can pursue to act more water-consciously and to educate communities on efficient water use.
How’s My Waterway was designed to provide the general public with information about the condition of their local waters based on data that states, federal, tribal, local agencies and others have provided to EPA.
The Energy Efficiency for Water Utilities Factsheet is designed to assist water and wastewater treatment providers in addressing the water-energy nexus, or energy usage within water utility operations. The factsheet provides resources and opportunities for energy savings among water utilities across all stages of operation.
ECO Modern Flats is a 96-unit multifamily rental project on a 2.9-acre site in Fayetteville, Arkansas, home to the University of Arkansas. The rental project includes both sustainable design and wellness features and has been targeted to an underserved rental market of young professionals 20 to 30 years of age.
The Federal Green Challenge (FGC) is a national effort under the EPA’s Sustainable Materials Management Program which challenges the EPA and other federal agencies throughout the country to lead by example in reducing the federal government's environmental impact. It furthers the goals of the President’s Executive Order Regarding Efficient Federal Operations.
The Fort Worth Water Department supports the Save Fort Worth Water outreach campaign to provide educational resources to residents and surrounding communities.
The Fort Worth Nature Center parking lot design provides storage areas for storm water runoff and diverting storm water runoff away from the edges of the paved areas while achieving the iSWM goals and providing the Nature Center the many benefits of bioswales.
The Community Captain Program is a grassroots volunteer network who help to spread the message about water conservation and the protection of our water supply in the community. It recruits WaterWise Community Captains for every neighborhood in Frisco; they are responsible for sharing water efficiency information with neighbors.
The Smart Controller Program allows for the City of Frisco's licensed irrigators to check irrigation systems for inefficiencies, set the controller to current watering recommendations, subscribe the resident to the WaterWise emails, and create a partnership with residents for educational purposes.
Go Solar Texas compiles key resources for Texans interested in learning more about going solar, and has Texas-specific resources on best management practices for local governments to increase access to solar.