This list shows all items that are related to more than one topic regarding water, energy, and transportation.
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The Climate Showcase Communities program showcases communities that are undertaking pilot projects to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas pollution while saving money.
Develop and implement a Comprehensive Environmental and Climate Action Plan for the City of Dallas, tackling climate change, waste and recycling, water conservation, air and storm water enforcement through community engagement.
Dallas Water Utilities supports the Save Dallas Water Campaign, which offers resources and information about water conservation efforts in the Dallas area.
Klyde Warren Park is a landmark central open space, which spans the 8-lane, sunken Woodall Rogers Freeway, bridging Dallas' Uptown and Arts District neighborhoods. It is the world's largest suspended infrastructure to contain a park and provides a new programmed public space that physically, socially, and culturally connects two bustling districts.
The Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities (DFWCC) Coalition is part of a national network of coalitions created by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and seeks to lead the region in petroleum and emissions reduction to improve air quality and increase energy security in the transportation sector.
This website informs the public on why certain items do not belong in either the sink or toilet drain. The media page includes shareable videos, downloadable templates, and other resources for the public and others to utilize.
The 16-block Cherry Creek North retail district was designed to be Denver's premier outdoor shopping area utilizing smart and efficient landscape techniques and sustainable features. The new streetscape preserves the district's history and character, improves identity, beautifies the area, provides new lighting, improves signage, and adds beneficial connectivity for residents.